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This past weekend Skydive Paraclete XP was host to the third FLCPA meet of the 2015 season. Fourth competitors showed up to give it their all for this competition. It was an even split between the PRO and Amatuer classes with 20 competitors in each category.
Raeford once again pulled out all the stops. There were some problems with the PAC we were supposed to use so we ran the swoop meet out of a CASA!!! That was a first for most of us.
The weather was perfect with a light 4-6 mph tail wind for speed and distance and 6-8mph headwind for zone accuracy. The top spots switched between every round in both categories. Competitors were glued to their phones looking for the updated scores on Control Tower.

IMG_1897-2 IMG_1925-2The Amatuer class was won by veteran skydiver and newcomer to the competition circuit Charlie Mullins. Second place went to Shane Seydel from Hawaii, and Ben Lowe rounded out the top three.


The pro class was won by Cornelia Mihai of the Skydive Dubai swoop team. Second place went to Curt Bartholomew while Albert Berchtold rounded out the top three.

We’ve always had a good time at the Raeford meet where instead of having one dedicated coach, we have 20! The Pro/Am competition randomly matches up each pro with an am to work together throughout the meet to help each other. Third place went to Cornelia and Peter Lubrano. Second was Albert and Luis Prinetto. And top spot in the Pro/Am went to Curt and Fraser Feltner.
IMG_1884-2Big thanks to Skydive Paraclete XP for hosting this meet with their great facilities and airlift power that allowed us to finish 7 rounds for 40 competitors by 3:00, Alter Ego our 2015 medal sponsor, and last but not least, a big round of applause for Performance Designs in thanks for their ongoing support of the FLCPA.
Meet 4 will be in just a few weeks!

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