* in front of name means registration payment not complete. Payment must be made Thursday at noon before the meet in order to receive preregistration discount.
Load 1:
1Greg Windmiller
2Curt Bartholomew
3Jeannie Bartholomew
4Alex Hart
5Albert Berchtold
1Joe Abeln
2Jared Zell
3Travis Mills
4Matt Leonard
5Stephen Perry
6Justin Price
1Sven Jseppi
2Matt Shull
3Max Manow
4Pete Lubrano
5Jan Einar
6Timmi Thomsen
1George Beatteay
2Marcus Denniston
3Robin Jandle
Plane 2:
1Kevin Haugh
2Richo Healey
3Jesse Weyher
4Scott Robinson
5Beau Riebe
1Justin Anderson
2Matt Koch
3Fraser Feltner
4Justin Bender
5Vladimir Alexeenko
1Oleg Naumov
2Jason Stein
3Lamberto Micangeli
1David Williams
2Sam Smith
3Josh Szajko
4Anthony Palagian
5Tom Esposito
6Siddharth Choudhury
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